How to make US soccer more fun to Watch


Watching soccer is fun, but only when watching European Leagues as well as other leagues around the world. US soccer or the MLS isn’t as fun to watch for many reasons, for example, the players just aren’t as good.

Have Players come from European Leagues and play in the MLS

I think having Europeans playing it would raise the style of the game and the quality of the game which would make more people watch it. This would probably be pretty hard to do though because it is most players’ dream to play in a European or South American league so once they are there they won’t want to leave. I think one way to make this happen would be to just pay them a lot of money to have them come over. The problem with this though is that they don’t have enough money to get lots of players from Europe and South America to come over, they only have enough for a few players. Another idea could be to bring one big group at a time over so that they might want to come over and just be together. I think the idea of getting Europeans to come over is great but I don’t think it will work out too well.

Make more people watch it

If the MLS spent a lot of money one year and got many more people watching the games it might encourage the friends of those people to start watching. For me at least, if there is something that everyone is watching and talking about I will start watching so I can join the conversations. This also makes watching the games more fun because you may be talking about the games in groups or just thinking about things other people said. I think that if more people started watching it, it would become much more fun to watch.

I think that if the MLS combined these two ideas and got players from Europe and South America as well as making more people watch it would make US soccer much more fun and popular.

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Oliver Swain

A kid who loves to play sports and write about them.
Alpine Skiing, Soccer, Baseball, Equestrian, Basketball, Football, Running
Ross, CA

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