Would You Rather be a Commentator, a Reporter, or a Player?


Today I will be saying the pros and cons of being a commentator, a reporter, or a player.



There are many pros to being a commentator, it can be your job for your whole life and you never have to leave. You also get paid a lot so you can live well, and there is almost no chance of you getting hurt where there is for players.


Being a reporter to me would be pretty cool because you could get to know the players well which is super cool. Also, you get paid a lot and you are able to learn tons about the sport you report for. And, you also get to do it for your whole life and never have to stop.


There is a chance that you do super well in your career and get super famous which is cool and you get paid a ton no matter how good or bad you are. Also, you get to relive your dream of playing professional sports which is super cool. 



You won’t get paid even close to the amount a player gets paid even if you are the best commentator and you won’t ever be to famous which is completely okay.


Basically the same as a commentator, you won’t get paid as much as a player and you won’t get as famous.


There are a few cons of being a player, you won’t be able to play your whole life, you could get majorly hurt and it might affect your whole life. You will also have to work harder than everyone else to become great.

Which profession would you choose? I think I would choose to be either a player or a reporter because as a player, I am doing the things I love to do and as a reporter, I get to meet lots of players and know lots about sports which is cool.

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Oliver Swain

A kid who loves to play sports and write about them.
Alpine Skiing, Soccer, Baseball, Equestrian, Basketball, Football, Running
Ross, CA

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