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by Prokit

A collection of articles and podcasts covering mental strategies for athletes. Includes insights on meditation, depression, motivation, & inspiration.

Under pressure: why athletes choke
What makes an elite sports star suddenly unable to do the very thing they have been practising for years? And is there anything they can do about it?
the Guardian
Sleep is your superpower
Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the…
How to Meditate
Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. Learning how to meditate is straightforward, and the benefits can come…
The Best Meditation Apps
If you’d like to learn to meditate, a meditation app can help. After talking to experts, researching a dozen apps, and testing five, here’s what we recommend.
Wirecutter: Reviews for the Real World
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Marin, CA

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