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Trail and Ultrarunning books

by Angela Zaeh

A collection of interesting books about training, nutrition, the science of running and inspiring stories in the world of running.

Endure – Alex Hutchinson
Limits are an illusion: discover the revolutionary account of the science and psychology of endurance, revealing the secrets of reaching the hidden extra potent
Born to Run
Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that be
Eat & Run – Scott Jurek
In Eat & Run, Scott opens up about his life and career — as an elite athlete and a vegan — and inspires runners at every level.
North – Scott Jurek
A thrilling new memoir about his grueling, exhilarating, and immensely inspiring 46 day run to break the speed record for the Appalachian Trail.
The Rise of the Ultra Runners
An electrifying look inside the wild world of extreme distance running. Once the reserve of only the most hardcore enthusiasts, ultra running is now a thriving
Ultramarathon Man – Dean Karnazez
Ultramarathon Man is Dean Karnazes’s story: the mind-boggling adventures of his nonstop treks through the hell of Death Valley, the incomprehensible frigidity o
Once a Runner: A Novel
Once a Runner captures the essence of what it means to be a competitive runner; to devote your entire existence to a single-minded pursuit of excellence. It has
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Angela Zaeh

​​Outdoor lover and ultra runner. Exploring the trails of Marin or the Alps when I am not working on @prokit.
Trail Running, Ultrarunning, Mountaineering, Backcountry Skiing, Hiking, Yoga, MTB, Mountain Biking
San Francisco, California

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