Choose – Your – Trail Mix Cookies!


🍪 COOKIES! 🍪 @lentinealexis, Culinary Director Skratch labs, and I collaborated on a cookie recipe! The result? Choose-Your-Trail Mix. My versions were: Dried mango, cranberry, blueberry, almond, hazelnut, walnut, chocolate & Crystallized ginger, dried cherries, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, and chocolate.

Bake some and share your trail story and your variation of the Choose-Trail cookie! #HeroCookies

▲Link Below▲ for @lentinealexis blog post and recipe!

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Rebecca Rusch

7X World Champion; Best-selling Author; Emmy Winner; Motivational Speaker; Ambassador, Be Good Foundation
Cycling, Mountain Biking, Gravel Biking
Ketchum, ID

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