Pete Beers, gone but never forgotten. #WSGFABR #BeGood


The cycling community and the world lost one of our best on Sunday August 30th. Pete Beers died in a freak accident while riding his bike near home in the DC area. I know few details about his death, but what I do know about his life is that he was one of the most loving and compassionate humans I’ve ever met. He was a dear friend to me in sunny & dark times. He inserted love & laughter into any situation. Maybe it was his Hello Kitty socks, or his Cheshire Cat grin or “embrace the suck” attitude. More likely it’s that his heart was just bigger than most and he was more than happy to share his love with anyone & everyone in the vicinity. I know so many people are in pain over Pete’s departure from this world. I miss him deeply already. But I still feel him and will honor his legacy for the rest of my life. He imprinted on us. In Pete’s words “you are loved” and “we should go for a bike ride.”

This year, Pete was taking part in RPI as he has done since year #1. He set up a fundraising page and designed routes in his hometown and was sharing with all of us as part of the #RPIchallenge community. He was motivating others to get involved because that’s what he always did. Pete was the absolute essence of Be Good. This year I am dedicating Rebecca’s Private Idaho to our friend and RPI Pioneer, Pete Beers. This is the best way I know to honor his legacy: with a worldwide bike ride that is healing for all of us as individuals and also globally healing. As you saddle up to go on a bike ride with us this weekend, remember “you are loved”.

Pete, Be Good.


Pete’s RPI Challenge fundraising page is remaining open in his honor. If you would like to donate please visit this page:

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Rebecca Rusch

7X World Champion; Best-selling Author; Emmy Winner; Motivational Speaker; Ambassador, Be Good Foundation
Cycling, Mountain Biking, Gravel Biking
Ketchum, ID

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