World Kindness Day


I have developed some personal navigational tools that I use to guide me in my life choices. One of my essential directional tools is the concept of GIVE = GET. Without fail, I’ve learned that when you give something to someone else, a gift comes back to you in return. Give a smile and one is receive, share your knowledge and someone else is empowered, offer help and both giver and recipient are elevated. The concept of giving to others is found in all religions and cultures and the simplest gift to give is kindness. Kindness is free, invaluable and contagious. Today, on World Kindness Day, choose to respond with kindness and give kindness as your gift to everyone you touch today. You will be flooded and blanketed with the kindness that comes back to you in turn. Doesn’t that sound awesome?! Let’s all give kindness today! // 📸@republicofdoom #worldkindnessday #begood #makekindnessvisible #bekind #Give=Get

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Rebecca Rusch

7X World Champion; Best-selling Author; Emmy Winner; Motivational Speaker; Ambassador, Be Good Foundation
Cycling, Mountain Biking, Gravel Biking
Ketchum, ID

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