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Research and review papers – sports nutrition, exercise physiology, psychology

by Anne Guzman

A collection of quality research papers and reviews looking at sports nutrition, exercise physiology, bone health and sport psychology.

Cycling and bone health: a systematic review
Cycling is considered to be a highly beneficial sport for significantly enhancing cardiovascular fitness in individuals, yet studies show little or no corresponding improvements in bone mass.A scientific literature search…
PubMed Central (PMC)
Swifter, higher, stronger: What’s on the menu?
(A MUST READ!) The exploits of elite athletes delight, frustrate, and confound us as they strive to reach their physiological, psychological, and biomechanical limits. We dissect nutritional approaches to optimal…
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Anne Guzman

Sport scientist, sports nutritionist, content creator, former pro cyclist, life long learner. “Find a way to your dreams, even if it involves detours."
Running, Cycling, Triathlon, Track Cycling, Wrestling
Hamilton, ON

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