Mastering your Mindset and Goal Setting with World Champion Mountain Biker Sonya Looney
“The only way for a lotus flower to bloom is to come up through the muckiest of mud. So it just reminds you that even in the hardest situations where you feel stuck and everything is dark, there’s still something beautiful that will come out of it if you just stick with it.” Sonya Looney
Why can’t you stop that negative chatter in your mind? Would you ever talk to someone the way to talk to yourself? On that topic, how should you talk to yourself, in the first person or third person? Do you even recognize your thought patterns? If not, how do you cultivate the awareness that you have negative self talk running like a reel in your mind? Where do you even start and how can you make sure you follow through with your plan? So many questions and so many great answers to come.
I reached out to World Champion Mountain Biker and Health Coach Sonya Looney who not only has implemented mindset strategies in her own career, but has also created a course on Mindset for others to reap the benefits of what she has learned and studied for several years.

I feel like I need to go back to this episode and write many of the quotes down that Sonya dropped as they were so poignant and meaningful. There were a lot of practical tips and this conversation left me pondering a few things about goal setting, what ‘type’ of person I am and the power of setting goals with specific parameters in order to help become the person you want to be.
I left my own podcast pretty motivated to practice what Sonya was teaching in my every day life and I hope you leave it as motivated as I did. Here are a few things that we discuss during our conversation:
- Tools to cultivate awareness of your thoughts
- Why meditate?
- How to follow through on goals and why it matters
- Creating your identity
- Key factors in setting goals you can achieve
- Self talk during training and racing
- How to manage your expectations
- Why comparing yourself to others backfires
- How to move through life adversity, because we all face it

You can learn more from Sonya on her website and through her podcast The Sonya Looney show, both which are linked below. If you’re interested in starting Sonya’s Mindset program (highly recommend it!), the direct link is also below. In addition if you want to up your cycling swag game, check out Sonya’s Moxy and Grit collection at the link below. Sonya also has an awesome YouTube page with incredible tips on mountain bike training, equipment and mindset. So much to learn.
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To connect with and learn from Sonya follow the links below:
Mindset Academy Course:
Moxy and Grit (SHOP!):