Why Sports Matter


Have you ever thought about a world without sports? How horrible would that be, instead of going to sports practice after school or having a game, you would just go home and sit on your butt. There wouldn’t even be any sports to watch and a lot of sports video games that everyone plays wouldn’t even exist. Sports also impact the lives of many people including myself and makes them go farther and do more in life. Sports matter for many reasons but I think the three main reasons are that without sports no one would have anything to do, without sports everyone would be un-athletic because there would be no way to get athletic, and sports help people get through many mental illnesses and make people feel better.

There would be nothing to do

Without sports, there would be nothing to do. This is one of the main reasons to me that sports matter because if no sports existed, kids would come home from school and sit down on their buts and then they would do homework and watch TV. That would be so boring! If I didn’t have my sports practices and games, everything would be horrible. As an article from Quora by ManMohan Singh Rathore states, “First of all the world without sports would be a boring place. Sports are the best source of entertainment for most of the World’s population” (ManMohan Singh Rathore). This quote shows how much the world benefits from sports by showing how bad the world would be without them. As you can see, without sports, there would be nothing to do.

No one would be in Good Shape

Without sports, there would be no way to get in good shape and everyone would be obese. This is another main reason why sports are important, they allow people a way to stay in shape and get strong. Without sports, the life expectancy would probably be down by 5 years because no one would be healthy and they would die earlier. As an article from the website, Youth Voices states, “Our exercise levels would decrease because sports are sometimes the main source of exercise for most of us … our health would be affected”(Youth Voices). This quote shows that without sports, everyone’s health would be affected and everyone would get out of shape. Obviously, without sports, everyone would be out of shape.

The Help that Exercising gives some people wouldn’t happen

The final reason sports matter is because exercising helps people with mental difficulties feel better and get better. Without sports, lots of people with mental difficulties wouldn’t be able to make themselves feel better and then there would be lots of problems with these people and that would be horrible for them. As an article from the website, Help Guide, states, “Exercise is also powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood” (HelpGuide). As you can see, exercising helps with many different mental difficulties and will make you much happier. Sports matter because without them, people with mental difficulties wouldn’t be able to feel better and heal quicker.

Some people may say that sports don’t really do any of this or that it is more fun just sitting around all day, but I disagree. There have been many studies proving that exercising helps to cope with mental difficulties and that is completely true and without sports, even though you think you would have so much to do, you wouldn’t and you would get super bored.

Getting you exercise, getting you something to do, and helping cope with mental difficulties are the three main reasons why sports matter and should never go away. Without sports, the world would be a horrible and boring place with many un-fit people.

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Oliver Swain

A kid who loves to play sports and write about them.
Alpine Skiing, Soccer, Baseball, Equestrian, Basketball, Football, Running
Ross, CA

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